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David McNeill | Transforming Emotions | Psychotherapy Services in Toronto Ontario

Transforming Emotions

David McNeill,

MSW, RSW (he/him)

Registered Social Worker


(Please note that I am unable to provide services to current Toronto Metropolitan University students due to my affiliation with the university.)

I am a Registered Social Worker with over eight years of experience providing individual Emotion-Focused Therapy (EFT) to young adults and adults. My goal is to help you access, accept, express, regulate, understand, and transform how you feel. Together, we will help you shift from being held back by stuck painful emotions to being guided by healthy emotions that help you better understand what you need in daily life.

I recognize the importance of long-term therapy where safe and careful exploration of painful experiences can take place. I believe the ultimate goal of helpful and responsible therapy is to help you feel independent, confident, and capable in your life. My practice is predominantly grounded in Emotion Focused Therapy (EFT) and also incorporates Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy (AEDP) and other experiential and relational psychotherapies.

I received my Master’s of Social Work from the University of Toronto (2016), and have since been practicing therapy at Toronto Metropolitan University’s Centre for Student Development and Counselling and in private practice.