Our 2025 Clinican Training Schedule: Click Here for More Information

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frequently asked questions

At Transforming Emotions, we are committed to supporting clinicians on their professional journey. Our Training Hub FAQ page provides answers to common questions about our training programs, workshops, and resources. If you need further information or have specific inquiries, our team is here to help.



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What prerequisites are needed for the training programs?

Our training programs vary in requirements.

EFT Consolidation is geared towards those seeking an introduction to EFT, or those with basic knowledge who wish to consolidate their skills and more effectively implement them with clients.

EFT for Groups was designed for a variety of therapists including:

  • Advanced EFT therapists who are able to use EFT techniques for individuals fluidly and flexibly and are ready to use these skills in a group therapy setting.
  • Group therapists who are also skilled in an individual experiential model such as EFT, IFS, or AEDP and wish to assist their groups to more quickly and safely establish a deeper level of emotional engagement and processing.
Are your trainings suitable for beginners or more advanced therapists?

Participants with a wide range of training have attended our trainings, from those with no prior EFT experience to certified EFT trainers. We have received positive feedback on our trainings from across the spectrum of experience levels.

However, in general, EFT Consolidation is most suitable for individuals earlier in their practice of EFT and EFT for Groups is most suitable for practitioners with substantial experience in either an individual experiential model (such as EFT, IFS, AEDP) or process-oriented group psychotherapy.

Are continuing education credits available through these trainings?

Yes, many of our training programs offer continuing education credits (CECs) for mental health professionals. Specific credit details are provided with each course description.

Can I participate in these trainings if I am outside of your listed regions?


We routinely have registrants from across Canada, the USA, and Europe with occasional visitors from Australia and Asia (who we regard with awe as they are often attending through the night!).

We welcome registrants from all cultures and countries. Please note that trainings are offered in English. If you wish to bring your own real-time interpreter, please contact us in advance to discuss details and explore possible options.

Do you offer your trainings in languages other than English?

While we are unable to offer our trainings in languages other than English at this time, we are open to working with you if you wish to attend with your own real time interpreter. Attendance for interpreters is free.

If you wish to host a training for your team in a language other than English and are able to provide real time interpretation, please email us to discuss possible arrangements for a custom training in your own time zone.

How can I get more information or contact you with specific questions?

If you have additional questions, please reach out to us at welcome@transformingemotions.ca and we'll get back to you promptly.

Do you offer sliding scale fees for your trainings?

Creating accessible training opportunities is important for us! In general, we offer a limited number of sliding scale training spaces as follows:

  • 25% fee reduction for students or individuals within 2 years of degree completion.
  • 25% reduction for individuals self-identifying as in financial need and as Black, Indigenous, or as a member of a racialized minority community.
  • Negotiable fees for individuals residing in a country where the currency is valued much lower than Canadian dollars.

If you may qualify for a sliding scale fee, please inquire to welcome@transformingemotions.ca for the availability of spaces.

How are your training days structured?

EFT Consolidation

There are many excellent immersive training programs available for EFT. We have tailored our EFT Consolidation course to take place over the course of three months with a focus on learning a little bit, implementing new learning into your practice, and repeating.

In the first two weeks, we will take a deep dive into the theory underpinning EFT to help you understand the change processes involved. Then, we space out six half-day sessions where you will learn an EFT task, practice the task, and then have time to try it out in your practice before learning something new.

EFT for Groups

This is a four-day immersive institute combining theory with experiential learning through the lens of both a group participant and an observing therapist.

Do you offer support for learning following your trainings?

Yes. We believe ongoing training and consultation are important factors in building your competence in a new model. Dr. Thompson runs two monthly EFT consultation groups for autonomously registered professionals using EFT with their individual clients.

View our EFT Ongoing Supervision for more details.

Dr. Thompson and Dr. Girz facilitate free bimonthly international community meetings for individuals interested in or providing Emotion Focused Group Therapy. For more information please contact us at welcome@transformingemotions.ca.

continuing education credits (CECs) 


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What are CECs?

Continuing Education Credits (CECs) for mental health professionals in Canada are an essential part of ongoing professional development. They may be required to maintain membership in professional colleges and associations.

CECs are typically awarded for participation in various learning activities that enhance the skills and knowledge of practitioners in fields such as psychotherapy, psychology, and counselling.

Do the educational activities offered by Transforming Emotions count as CEC?

Yes, several professional associations have recognized Transforming Emotions (TE)’s educational activities with CEC. Some professional associations for mental health practitioners may have different processes to recognize CEC for participation in educational activity.

For example, the CCPA (Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association) invites its members to apply for CEC recognition once they have completed the educational activity when the organizer has not requested it in advance.

What organizations recognize CEC for the Transforming Emotions educational activities?

This chart provides information about different associations, relevant to the Ontarian and Canadian contexts, and the CECs they have recognized to TE educational activities participants. If you do not find your professional association, we suggest you contact it to request information about the CEC Recognition process.